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Team Rep Toolkit

Team Parent Reps

The 2024-2025 NUSE Parent Rep coordinator is Heather Kloeckl. Individual teams have a designated parent rep.

10U - Kelli Kral

12U Nadine Berle

Squirt A -Stef Dietz

Squirt B -Julia Coulson

Squirt C -Molly Johnson

PWA - Melanie Bushard

PWB - Amanda Vetter 

PWC - Gail Reinarts-Portner

Bantam B - Heather Hansen 


Heather Kloeckl

Team Rep. Coordinator


Monitors & Team Reps.

Locker Room Monitors & Team Reps need to complete the following:

These things need to be submitted to your team rep.


Creating Exhibition Games:

If they are playing exhibition games vs other D4 teams,  they create games from "Scratch" and just set the game type to Exhibition

If they are paying a team outside of D4, we will quickly create / add that team to the exhibition divisions for them.  They should just send me an email - only takes a few seconds.  We need to know the other teams' name and age / Division and Level.

Here is link on creating exhibition games